The Consequence
of Gods

A world much like our own except for one big difference... Magic.

01. The Project

The Consequence of Gods (TCOG) is the name of the saga that encompasses all the narratives of Eastwynne and its sequels.

A 4-part narrative series that explores worlds (some very similar to our own and some not) of magic, the beings that live there, and all the things (good and bad) that entails. It's a truly wild ride.

This project will span different forms of media including an audio drama and animated clips/episodes.

02. Series

A ragtag team of mortals and the immortal face the ramifications of divine actions, being left to restore order to the universe while battling foes and themselves.

03. The Team

Who's behind all the magic?

Hey y'all I'm Dee~

TCOG is my biggest passion project, my magnum opus if you will 😌 I've been working on this for 10 years and am so excited to see it fully come to life.

A little more about me? Well... I'm a 3D animator (+ a singer 😉), and an avid lover of visual media. Anime, TV shows, movies, games, I love it and these are a huge inspiration for what I do. The Sims, especially. This seriously started once I began to create machinima using The Sims 3, then 2, then 4. It's been a long journey and even though I'm *mostly* using Blender 3D to create my animations, I'll never completely leave The Sims.

Ain't no way I could do this without the help of these amazing people 💯

WhatTheSims/WTS2 - Creator, Director, Writer

Madison/gaea - Producer, Script Editor

The incredible, wonderful, awesome vocal talents truly taking this to a whole 'nother level 💯

Full List of the Cast & Crew